Paul Pot walked off with the top prize at this Easter's 18th annual Dead Meat on a Stick Barbecue and Meat Sculpure contest for his entry, Joan of Arc. Second prize went to Elin for Car Crash (which sped down a ramp and crashed numerous times to the delight of the gathered carnivoires) and third prize went to textile artist Candace Kling
and Sara Julesrud for Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie. Joan of Arc was made of a carved, grappa-soaked apple armiture wrapped in pancetta. mmmmmm.

In his acceptance speech, Paul Pot thanked his lord and saviour Jesus Christ, for had he not whispered in Joan of Arc's ear, there would have been no subject for the grand prize, a bronze trophy of a t-bone steak on a cross that the winner keeps in their kitchen for one year (kind of like the America's Cup.)
photos by Clammity Jen
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